wizBasketBallTM  for iPhone and iPad

Brief Description

The Coach’s Rules and how wizBasketball applies them:

RULE #1: Come to the field prepared for ALL cases AND ready to change tactics on the spot!
wizBasketball is your tool to plan, revise and animate your own strategy within less than 10 seconds!

RULE #2: Few words, lots of ACTION!
Once filename of play is selected you are ready to go! No more pop-up window delays.

RULE #3: Learn from the BEST!
wizBasketball includes a smart and easy UI with full screen visibility, minimizing the time to create, modify and animate a strategy.

You can save your final coach plan in SVG format to allow sharing with your team members.
The save area in your iPhone or iPad is accessed via your iTunes app under the directory of wizBasketball Documents. If you do not assign names to your play files, they will be saved automatically as a series of numbers starting at 0 (e.g. 0.svg, 1.svg, 2.svg, etc)


Buy wizBasketBall Now!



Features of wizBasketBall
- Easy to use, tap to place player, drag to simulate movement
- Select ball and tap on player to designate ball possession (player highlighted)
- Different color and freehand line for moving player with ball; straight line for pass
- Player and ball motion history continuously displayed
- Continuous recording of all your actions to allow replay
- Multiple undo levels
- Scroll through multiple tactics while app is running with back and forward buttons
- Animate tactics on the spot (iPhone or iPad)
- wizBasketball generated (live) files are active while the app is running and the iPhone/iPad is turned on. Once turned off the data will be saved in SVG format only.
- Save your play tactics under different names in SVG only (this is the only pop-up menu!)
- Use on any SVG viewer.


Copyright © The Brainspool Project, Actum Ventures Limited 2011-2012